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Accountants Enterprise only

When you delete a document link, you can choose to delete the document from your system at the same time or simply remove the link enabling you to add another link to that document at a later time.

To remove a document link and delete the document from your files
  1. Find and open the assignment, client, contact or supplier.

  2. Click the Documents tab.

  3. Locate and select the document.

    To select the document, click any field in the row containing the document except the Name field. If you click the Name field your document will open.

  4. Click the Delete document option on the Tasks bar. The Remove Document message is displayed requesting whether to delete the selected document and link.

  5. Click Yes. The document is deleted from your system and the document link is deleted from the list.

To remove a document link and leave the document in your files
  1. Find and open the assignment, client, contact or supplier.

  2. Click the Documents tab.

  3. Locate and select the document.

  4. Click the Delete document option on the Tasks bar. The Remove Document message is displayed requesting whether to delete the selected document and link.

    To select the document, click any field in the row containing the document except the Name field. If you click the Name field, your document will open.

  5. Click No. The document link is deleted from the list, but it does not delete the document from your system. You can later add a link to the same document.