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Accountants Enterprise in Australia only

All entities must include either an Audit Report or Compilation Report with their financial reports. When an Audit Report is required to be displayed, set DB.#EntityDetails.ClientDetails.Audited = “Yes“.

Alternatively, when a Compilation Report is required to be displayed, set DB.#EntityDetails.ClientDetails.Audited = “No“.

By default, all Superannuation Funds will print with an Audit Report, however, the Audit Report can be suppressed for superannuation reports so a Compilation Report is prepared. To do this set
DB.OtherReports.AuditReport.SupressAuditReport = ”Yes”.

A compilation report can be included in addition to an audit report if required under APES 315. To do so set DB.#EntityDetails.ClientDetails.Audited = “Yes“ and DB.OtherReports.CompilationReport.ForceCompilationReport = ”Yes”. This is not necessary if an audit report is not being produced.

Standard text in this report will automatically vary for small/large and reporting/non-reporting entities. Wording in these reports will change for single/multiple directors and single/multiple partners. A director or partner must sign this report. See Directors and partners.