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The Account details page in My Account provides a handy overview of your company details, including your business name, business and billing addresses, and some other important information pertaining to your business. Keeping this information accurate and up-to-date is crucial.

Any online file user registered with an MYOB account can view these details, but only the primary contact can edit them. 
To view and edit your account details
  1. Go to My Account at If prompted, sign in using your MYOB account email address and password.

  2. Click Manage my account.

  3. On the Account details page, click Edit.

  4. Make your changes.

    If you don't have a separate billing address, click My billing address is the same as my business address.

  5. Click Save.


Why can't I see the billing address?

If there are no billing address fields, deselect the My billing address is the same as my business address option.







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