Child pages
  • Viewing and entering contact information




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You can store a variety of information about each of your contacts, including their contact details, business details and information about the type of contact they are.

On this page:

Contact details

For each contact, you can store and view the following information:

  • Business details—Business name, ABN, ACN or IRD number, website
  • Primary contact details—First and last name, position, email address, phone and mobile numbers, fax number
  • Address—Street address and billing address
  • Notes—Any other details you’ve entered about the contact
  • Additional email addresses—If the contact has more than one email address, enter more here.

Contact page with details entered

Contacts and GST

The type of tax/GST to be applied to a customer or supplier isn't stored in the contact's record. Instead, you'll choose the Tax type when recording sales and purchases.

Business and individual contacts

You can use MYOB Essentials to keep track of both businesses and individual contacts. Instead of creating a contact for an entire business, you might choose to create one for an individual person.

Contact record with business and individual types highlighted

For contacts that are businesses, the Business name field is mandatory. For contacts that are individuals, the First name and Last name fields in the Primary contact section are mandatory. In both cases you can choose whether to fill in the other fields, depending on what information you want to store.

Contact types

When you create a contact, you need to specify whether they are a customer, supplier, both or neither. The available contact types (and the letters used to represent them in the contacts list) are:

  • Customer (C)—Someone who buys products or services from you
  • Supplier (S)—Someone who sells products or services to you
  • Customer & Supplier (C S)—Someone who both buys from and sells to you
  • Other (O)—Any other contacts you want to record in MYOB Essentials, but who do not buy or sell from you.

You select the type for each contact from the dropdown list on their Contact page.

Contact record with customer and supplier options highlighted

In the contacts list, you can easily see the type of any contact from the letter that appears in the Type column.

Contacts list with type column highlighted

Note that you shouldn’t set your employees up as contacts. Instead, they should be set up in the Payroll area of MYOB Essentials. This lets you include them in pay runs and track more information about their leave, pay and other details. For more information about entering employee details, see Set up employees.

Reportable contacts

Australia only

If you are in the building and construction industry and have selected the Taxable payments reporting option on your Business Details page, you can mark suppliers as reportable, by selecting the Reportable option on their Contact page.

Supplier contact with reportable option selected

All bills and spend money transactions using a reportable supplier will be automatically marked as reportable, and included in the Taxable payments annual report, which you can use when sending your information to the ATO.

Bill with reportable option selected

If you need to enter a non-reportable transaction involving this contact, you can deselect the Reportable option on the transaction page.

Note that you will also need to record the ABN of all reportable contacts. For more information, see Reportable contractor payments.

From the community

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