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  • Deleting customer returns




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You can easily delete a customer return by opening it and clicking Delete. If the return has been applied to an invoice or refunded, you'll first need to delete the associated transaction—then you'll be able to delete the return.

Need to change a return? See Editing customer returns.


To delete a customer return (which hasn't been applied or refunded)

To delete a customer return (which hasn't been applied or refunded)

  1. From the Sales menu, click Invoices.
  2. In the invoices list, display customer returns and credits by filtering the list by Returns.
    Invoices pages with Returns filter highlighted
  3. Click the return you want to delete. The Edit customer return page appears, showing the return details.
  4. Click Delete.

    Can't delete the return?

    If you can't delete the return because it's been partially or fully paid, see the task below.

  5. Click Yes to delete the return.
To delete a customer return (which has been applied or refunded)

To delete a customer return (which has been applied or refunded)

If a customer return has been partially or fully applied to invoice or refunded, you'll first need to delete those transactions before you can delete the return.

Here's how:

  1. From the Sales menu, click Invoices.
  2. In the invoices list, select Returns.
    Invoices pages with Returns filter highlighted
  3. Click the return you want to delete. The Edit customer return page appears, showing the return details.
  4. Click Show transactions for this customer return.
  5. Click the link for the transaction to be deleted.
  6. Click Delete. A confirmation message appears.
  7. Click Yes to delete the transaction. The Edit customer return page reappears.
  8. Click Delete to delete the customer return.

    A confirmation message appears.
  9. Click Yes to delete the customer return.
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