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Welcome to MYOB Essentials! We know you're excited to explore all the great features in your new product, so we've put together this page to explain how to get around.

There are some features that appear on every MYOB Essentials page. These are:


Links on each page

Links on each page

Links at the top

At the top of each MYOB Essentials page you'll find a menu bar with 2 important links on the far right side:

Switch businesses and settings menus at the top of the screen

  • Switch businesses—click to view your MYOB Essentials businesses. You can also add a new business or switch to an existing one from (that you are signed up for). For more information see Using multiple businesses.
  • Settings menu—click your business name to view the Settings menu. From this menu, you can access various settings (such as your Business details, GST settings and Import/Export), details about your subscription, and your accounts list. You can also view your serial number and log out of MYOB Essentials. For more information, see Settings.

Links at the bottom

At the bottom of each MYOB Essentials page are the following links:

  • Privacy policy—click to view the privacy policy statement for MYOB.
  • About us—click to find out more about MYOB.
  • Contact us—click to find out how to contact the MYOB Essentials team.
MYOB Essentials menu

MYOB Essentials menu

You'll use the main menu bar to access most areas of MYOB Essentials.

Essentials menus across the top of the screen

If you click an item on the menu bar that has an arrow ( Down arrow icon ) next to it, a list of related options appears. You can then click any of these to go directly to that section.


Use this menu item or option…
To do this…
DashboardView the dashboard, which shows a snapshot of your business.


  • Quotes


View the list of quotes created in MYOB Essentials

  • Invoices
View the list of invoices created in MYOB Essentials.
  • Items
View a list of your items, which are products or services that you buy or sell.
  • Create invoice
Create invoices to send to your customers.
  • Take payments
Enter a payment made by a customer for an invoice.
  • Create customer return
Create invoice returns—customer credits or refunds for goods returned, services not used or received.
  • Process customer returns
Apply a customer return to an invoice or refund the money to a customer.
  • Sales history
See a list of your sales history for a specified period of time.
  • Customer statements
Send statements to your customers showing their current balance.


  • Bills


View the list of bills recorded in MYOB Essentials.

  • Items
View a list of your items—products or services that you buy or sell.
  • Create bill
Create bills to record the purchases you make from your business suppliers.
  • Pay bills
Enter a payment for a bill.
  • Create supplier return
Create a return for a supplier—returns are credits or refunds for goods returned, services not used or received.
  • Process supplier returns
Apply a supplier return to a bill or record it as a refund from a supplier.
  • Purchase history
See a list of your purchase history for a specified period of time.


  • Bank transactions


View all the bank transactions that have been brought in on bank feeds or imported manually using bank statements.

  • Bank reconciliation
Manually reconcile transactions that won’t be matched to an imported bank transaction.
  • Manage allocation rules
Set up the rules you use to automatically allocate imported bank transactions.
  • Spend money
Enter withdrawals and payments that are not associated with your business suppliers.
  • Receive money
Enter deposits received from sources other than customer sales.
  • Transfer funds
Record any transfers you’ve made from one bank account to another.
  • Transaction history
View transactions on each of your bank accounts over a specified period.


  • View contacts


View a list of your contacts—customers, suppliers, employees or general contacts.

  • Create contact
Create a new contact.


  • Enter pay


Open the pay centre screen, where you can select dates and employees, and do the pay run.

  • Pay superannuation (Australia only)
Get a file containing all of your contribution data that you can use to make contribution payments through MYOB's super portal.
  • Employees
View a list of your employees.
  • IRD monthly returns
    (New Zealand only)
Print the reports you need to lodge with the IRD each month—Employer deductions (IR345), Employer monthly schedule (IR348) and KiwiSaver employee details (KS1).
  • Past pay runs
View, print or email individual employees’ payslips and view a summary of each of your past pay runs.
  • Payroll summaries
View a summary or detail report of your payroll over a specified period of time.
  • PAYG payment summaries 
    (Australia only)
Produce PAYG payment summaries for your employees and lodge them electronically with the ATO.
  • Payroll settings
View and change your payroll settings, including which bank account you use to pay wages, payslip display options, and payslip email settings.


View a list of all the reports you can create in MYOB Essentials.

In trayUpload your supplier invoices to your In tray and save time on data entry by using them to create bills. For more information see  Working with In Tray documents.
Switch businessesClick to view your MYOB Essentials businesses. You can also add a new business or switch to an existing one from (that you are signed up for). For more information see Using multiple businesses.
Your business nameClick your business name to view the Settings menu. From this menu, you can access various settings (such as your Business details, GST settings and Import/Export), details about your subscription, and your accounts list. You can also view your serial number and logout from MYOB Essentials. For more information, see Settings.

Help & Support

  • Help for this page


View this help centre. The help centre will open at a help topic that is relevant to your current MYOB Essentials page.

  • Getting started
Open the getting started panel and view a quick tutorial of the features of the current MYOB Essentials page.
  • Videos
Visit the MYOB Essentials videos page and watch video tutorials for different features and concepts.
  • Blog
Visit the MYOB Essentials blog, to learn about new features and other topics of interest to MYOB Essentials users.
  • Support
Visit this help centre. The help centre will open at its main page where you can search, browse or contact support.


There are also features that you can use on many pages. For example:


Using the calendar

Using the calendar

Animation showing date selection

The calendar makes it easier for you to enter dates. For example, suppose you’re entering a sale and have promised the items to the customer on the last Friday of the month. Rather than figuring out the date and entering it manually, you can use the calendar to quickly select the date.

To view the calendar, select the icon ( calendar icon ) at the right of any date field within MYOB Essentials. The calendar contains the following controls:

  • calendar back icon—click to go back one month.
  • calendar forward icon—click to go forward one month.
  • today icon—click to select today’s date.
  • List of months and years—click the current month and year to select from a list of months in the selected year. Click again to select from a list of years.
Searching and filtering

Searching and filtering

Invoices page with text in search field

Most MYOB Essentials pages have a search field. As you type your search term, the list on the page is updated to match your text. You can also choose from the filters that are next to the search field.

Use searching in combination with sorting

If searching and filtering gives you a long list of results, you might want to sort the list by one of the column headings. For more information see Sorting by column.

Sorting by column

Sorting by column

Invoices page with a column heading clicked

By clicking a column heading, you can re-sort the information in the list by that column. For example, in the contacts list, you can click the First Name column heading to sort the list in alphabetical order by contacts’ first names.

Selecting and deselecting options

Selecting and deselecting options

Animation showing selection and deseltion of options

You can select options or list items by clicking on the checkbox to the left of them. A tick will appear in the checkbox ( checkbox selected ). To deselect an option, click on the checkbox again. The tick will disappear ( checkbox deselected ).

Month-end tasks

While you’re exploring MYOB Essentials, you may also want to have a look at our suggested End of period tasks.

From the community

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