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  • Set up default invoice and quote emails




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On the Default email text tab, you can customise the default email text that's sent with your invoices and quotes when you email them to your customers.


To change the default email text

To change the default email text

  1. In MYOB Essentials, click your business name and choose Invoice and quote settings.
    Essentials business name selected, invoice and quote settings 
  2. Click the Default email text tab.
  3. If you're customising the email text for invoices, click the arrow next to the Default Invoice Email heading. If you're customising the email text for quotes, click the arrow next to the Default Quote Email heading.
    Essentials detail quote and invoice text options
    The chosen section expands, showing the default email and a list of variables.
  4. Edit the text of the email. You can personalise the email using variables like the customer's name, your business details, or information about the invoice or quote that you're sending. 
    To insert a variable, position the cursor in the email at the spot where you want to insert the variable, then click the variable in the list on the right.

    Don't edit variables

    You shouldn't edit the variables in the message body. If you edit a variable, it won't work properly, and your emails might contain strange symbols, or you might not be able to save your template.
    You can remove a variable by deleting the variable text, including double brackets, from the email.

    You can add a link to online content, such as legal notices, in your default email text:

  5. If you make a mistake and want to revert to the previously saved version of the email, click Clear changes.

  6. When you're done, click Save.

Add a note to your invoices and quotes

Use the Notes to customer box when entering the invoice or when creating the quote. If you want the same note to appear on all your invoices or quotes, select the Remember this option.

note box on invoice with remember me option highlighted 

To remove the note from the invoice or quote you're viewing, delete the text from the Notes to customer box. To remove the note from all future invoices or quotes, also select the Remember this option.


Where do I set the 'reply to' email address?

Where do I set the 'reply to' email address?

You can set the 'reply to' email address in your business details settings (click your business name and choose Business details).

Business details setting with email address filed highlighted

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