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  • Transaction history




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From the Transaction history page (accessible via the Banking menu) you can view the transaction history for a particular bank or credit card account, for a selected period.

Banking menu with transaction history option highlighted

The history includes all transactions received from your bank, as well as all transactions you’ve entered into MYOB Essentials.

Looking for a running balance? Try our banking reports.

Want to view the sales, purchases and payments for a specific customer or supplier? See Sales history or Purchase history.

To view the transaction history for a bank or credit card account

To view the transaction history for a bank or credit card account 

  1. From the Banking menu, click Transaction History. The Transaction history page appears.
  2. Select the bank or credit card account you want to use from the drop-down list.
  3. Select the period you want to view the transaction history for from the drop-down list.
    For each transaction, the DateReference NumberFrom/To contact, MYOB Essentials account the transaction was Allocated to, amount Spent or Received, and Status is shown in the list.
    If there are many transactions in the list, they will be split over a number of pages. Use the arrows and the number field at the bottom of the list to navigate between pages Page navigation controls

    Viewing details of a transaction

    If you want to view or edit a transaction, double-click it. The transaction opens in the relevant window. For an example, see Understanding your payroll transactions.

Transactions identified with an unreconciled icon (exclamation mark in a black circle) are yet to be reconciled. Learn how to reconcile transactions.

Transactions identified with R are reportable contractor payments (Australia only).

From the community

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