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  • Payday filing statuses

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New Zealand only

Once you've processed a pay or created a new employee, you need to ensure the information you've submitted is successfully processed by Inland Revenue.


UI Expand
titleTo view the status of a payday filing submission
  1. Go to Payroll > Payday filing.

    UI Text Box

    Getting the 'There is a problem displaying payday filed payruns' error? This may be an issue relating to the user who authorised payday filing. See the FAQ, How do I fix the 'There is a problem displaying payday filed payruns' error?, below for a possible workaround.

  2. To view:
    • Pay run submissions - click Employment information submissions.
    • Employee submissions - click Employee details submissions.
  3. Click the Action menu button (...), and choose View details.

Here you'll see more detail on the status of the submission.

Statuses explained

Not submitted

The information has not been submitted to Inland Revenue. It's likely the pay run was processed by someone who hasn't set up payday filing.

You need to set up payday filing to submit this to Inland Revenue.

What if I can't authorise MYOB right now?


The information is being submitted to Inland Revenue.

No action required.
SubmittedThe information has been submitted to Inland Revenue, but not received.No action required.

The information has been received and some initial checking has been done by Inland Revenue.

  • Ontime-received - the information has been received within two working days of the pay on date.
  • Late-received - the information has NOT been received within two working days of the pay on date.

Inland Revenue does not start processing submissions until the end of the period. This means your submission may stay in the status of Received for a few weeks.

No action required.

Inland Revenue is currently processing the submission.

  • Ontime-processing - the information has been received within two working days of the pay on date.
  • Late-processing - the information has NOT been received within two working days of the pay on date.
No action required.

Inland Revenue has processed the submission.

  • Ontime-processed - the information has been received within two working days of the pay on date.
  • Late-processed - the information has NOT been received within two working days of the pay on date and you may be liable for a fine. Contact Inland Revenue for more details.
No action required.
Under Review

The submission is included in an audit by Inland Revenue.

No action required.
ErrorIf things don't go to plan, you might get an error or two. Not to worry, we'll help you out.See Errors in payday filing
<h2><i class="fa fa-comments"></i>&nbsp;&nbsp;FAQs</h2><br>
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titleHow do I fix the 'There is a problem displaying payday filed payruns' error?

How do I fix the 'There is a problem displaying payday filed payruns' error?

This may be because the connection with the user who authorised payday filing needs to be refreshed. We're still investigating the issue, but here's how you can fix it:

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You need to be an Administrator user to be able to add and remove users. If you can't do the following steps, contact us.

  1. Inviite a new user to the MYOB Essentials file with the Administrator privilege (need a refresher on inviting users?).
  2. Log out of the MYOB Essentials file.
  3. Log back into the MYOB Essentials file as the new Administrator user.
  4. Delete the user that experienced the issue in the pay run.
  5. Re-invite that user and assign them the Administrator privilege.
  6. Log out.
  7. Log back in as the Administrator user you invited in step 5.
  8. Go to Payroll > Payday filing. The page should now load.
  9. (Optional) Remove the user you created at step 1.

If you get stuck, contact us and we'll be glad to help.




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titleRelated topics

Errors in payday filing

Delegate others to submit payday filing

Setting up payday filing
