Child pages
  • Changing the entity or business name in your website footer (Australia)




The entity name or business name (trading name) you selected when you first set up your MYOB Atlas website will appear in your website footer by default.

You can change the name that appears in your website footer if:

  • you have more than one business name registered to your ABN, and want to switch from one to another.
  • you have an entity name listed in your footer, but want to display your business name instead (or vice versa). 



If you're a sole trader that conducts business under your business name, you might want to display your business name in the footer, instead of your first and last name (entity name).

To change the entity or business name
  1. Click My account in the Settings toolbar.
  2. In the Account information section of the My account page, click Edit account information.
  3. Select the entity name or business name you want from the drop-down list in the Business name field.

    If you haven't registered a business name in your state or territory, you'll only see your entity name in the drop-down list.

  4. Click Save at the bottom of the page. The name in your website footer will be updated instantly.


How do I register a business name?

To register a business name, you need to submit an application to To learn more about this topic, see Register your business name.

How do I check whether I've registered a business name?

You can search for your ABN on the ABN Lookup page. If you've registered a business name, you'll see it in the Trading name(s) section of your ABN's Current details page.