Getting started with your website (full article)
No, you don't need a domain name to set up your website with MYOB Atlas. When you sign up, you'll be provided with a temporary domain name. And during the setup wizard (or at any time after), you can register a domain name. For more information, see Registering domain names.
Web hosting refers to a service in which your website is hosted on the internet for you. Usually when you set up a website you need to pay a service provider for web hosting, so that your site is uploaded to their server and made accessible to the public.
In MYOB Atlas, web hosting is included with your website, which means you don't need to organise it separately.
No, you can't change the temporary domain name (or subdomain name) that you receive when you set up your website.
However, this temporary domain name is just to get you started with your website. If you don't want to use it to access your website, you can register a domain name, and then make sure it's set as your primary domain name. Or, if you've registered domain names with a registrar other than MYOB, link these domain names to your website, and then set one of these as your primary domain name.
You can click the Back button at the bottom of each step of the setup wizard to go back to the previous step and edit your details. Alternatively, you can leave them as they are and edit them after you complete the setup wizard.
After you've completed the setup wizard and gone live with your site, you'll be able to get your free domain name by clicking Get free domain name in the Things to do toolbar. For more information, see Registering domain names.
Logging in to your MYOB Atlas website (full article)
If you're logged in to your website, you'll see the MYOB Atlas menu along the top of your website.
For more information on how to change your login account or password, see Changing your login account or password.
If you're having trouble logging into your website using your Facebook account, try removing the MYOB Atlas app from your Facebook account. For more information, see Facebook's help article How do I remove or delete an app from my account?
Once you've done this, try logging into your website again using your Facebook account.
Finding your way around your website (full article)
You may have disabled Javascript in your web browser. You can either enable Javascript in your current browser, or try a different browser that has Javascript enabled.
No, the Settings pages (such as the My account page), will only appear while you're in the Edit site mode. If you're on a Settings page while you're in the Edit site mode and then click View site, you'll be redirected to your homepage.
If you're logged into your website, you'll see the MYOB Atlas menu along the top of your website.
To see the Tell the world link, you first need to register a domain name. After this has been processed (which can take up to a day), the Tell the world link will appear.
About domain names (web addresses) and extensions (full article)
Your website's primary domain name is the domain name all of your other domain names redirect to. For more information, see Setting your website's primary domain name.
Registering domain names (full article)
Your domain name registrar is the company who you registered your domain name through. They're responsible for updating your registrant details and renewing your domain name when it expires.
It may take up to 24 hours for a domain name to be registered. After this time, you'll be able to use it to access your MYOB Atlas website.
To check the status of your domain name registration, click My domain names in the Settings toolbar, then check the status next to the domain name in the Domain names purchased through MYOB section. If it shows 'Pending registration', the registration is still being processed.
If you don't receive your verification code by SMS within a few minutes, you can either click the Use a different phone number button to try a different phone number, or you can contact MYOB Atlas by submitting a Domain name enquiry form.
As the owner of your business and your MYOB Atlas website, you own the license to your free domain name (and all other domain names that you register through MYOB Atlas) for the period of time specified in your license. MYOB is your domain name registrar, and is responsible for updating your registrant details and renewing your domain name when it expires.
MYOB Atlas offers you one free domain name for one year per business. However, you can purchase an unlimited number of additional domain names through MYOB Atlas.
Click My domain names in the Settings toolbar, then check the expiry date next to your domain names in the Domain names purchased through MYOB section.
Top-level domain names (such as .com, .org and .net) and second-level domain names (such as and can be registered for a period of 1, 2, 3, 5 or 10 years.
You can renew your domain names at the end of each registration period.
It will cost you $30 a year (inc GST)* to renew each domain name.
* This price is accurate at the time of writing.
If a problem occurs while registering or paying for your domain names, you'll receive an email with the relevant details.
The registrant contact information for your domain name is the information that your domain name registrar (the company who you registered your domain name through) uses to contact you, the registrant. If your domain name is registered with MYOB Atlas, your registrant contact information-including your registrant email address-will be the same as the contact information for your MYOB Atlas account (that is, the contact information MYOB Atlas uses for all communications with you).
To update this contact information, click My account on the Settings menu, then click Edit account information in the Account information section and make your changes.
This will update both your registrant contact information (for any domain names registered with MYOB Atlas) and the contact information for your MYOB Atlas account.
Publishing your website information (full article)
Publishing your business and contact information (full article)
Adding your logo and banner (full article)
Logo and banner images larger than the maximum size will be resized to fit.
- the file format is not supported (you can only upload JPG, GIF and PNG files),
- the image is larger than 15MB, or
- the file is corrupted.
Note that if you have a slow internet connection, it might take some time to upload your image. You'll need to wait for the upload to finish before you click Save.
Choosing a website theme (full article)
Displaying your location in a Google Map (full article)
Adding or editing your opening hours (full article)
Adding news (full article)
Creating a gallery and adding gallery items (full article)
- List view: 90 x 90 pixels
- Grid view: 202 x 202 pixels
- Jumbo view: 462 x 462 pixels
Detailed view: the width is 470 pixels and the height varies depending on the original image size.
If the width of your original image is not 470 pixels, it will be resized to 470 pixels, and the height will be resized so it's proportional to this. When visitors click an item image while in the detailed view, the image will appear in a pop-up window in its original size.
- the file format is not supported (you can only upload JPG, GIF and PNG files),
- the image is larger than 15MB, or
- the file is corrupted.
Note that if you have a slow internet connection, it might take some time to upload your image. You'll need to wait for the upload to finish before you click Add.
If you've created a Google AdWords ad campaign, you can use Conversion Tracking to track visitors who click on your ad, then complete the Ask a question form for a gallery item. For more information, see Integrating Google tools with your website.
If you've only temporarily run out of stock of an item, you can reselect this option once you get more in stock.
Sharing files with your customers (full article)
Adding or editing external links (full article)

Subscribing your customers (full article)
- Google Analytics account, you can track visitors and get a overview of how they're interacting with your website. This means you'll be able to see how many visitors have accessed your subscription form. For more information, see Integrating your Google Analytics account. Note: Google Analytics won't be able to show you the details your visitors enter in the subscription form. To see these details, you'll need to download and view the CSV file. For more information, see Sending newsletters to your customers in this article.
- Google AdWords account, you can advertise your business on Google, and use Conversion Tracking to track visitors who click on your ads and complete specific actions on your website. This means you can track visitors who click on your ad, then submit the Keep me updated form. For more information, see Integrating your Google AdWords account.
Remember, under the Unsolicited Electronic Messages Act 2007, you must satisfy the following condition:
- Commercial electronic messages must contain functional unsubscribe facility.
For more information, see the Department of Internal Affairs' Anti-Spam webpage.
Setting visibility options for your website content (full article)
Linking domain names to your website (full article)
To do this, do a Google search for the term 'whois search'. You'll find numerous websites that allow you to search the whois records for your domain names. The whois records will include details about the company who manages your domain names.
Note that you should contact the company who manages your domain name to update the DNS (Domain Name Server) settings for your domain name.
Setting your website's primary domain name (full article)
For example, let's say your primary domain name is, and your secondary domain name is If visitors enter in the address bar of their web browser, they'll be taken to your MYOB Atlas website. Once your website loads, the domain name they'll see in the address bar will be
To make an email address inactive, click Email forwarding in the Settings menu, and click the Edit link next to the email address you want make inactive. On the Edit email address page, deselect the Make this email address active option. Once you're finished, click Update.
If you think your email address might not be working, try sending a test email to it and checking whether this time and date is updated. If you don't receive the test email, check that you've entered the correct email address to forward to, and that the email hasn't been sent to your Spam folder.
Note: Make sure you send your test email from a different address to the one that will be receiving forwards. This is because some email providers aren't able to forward emails to the same address that they've been sent from.
To do this, do a Google search for the term 'WHOIS search'. You'll find numerous websites that allow you to search the WHOIS records for your domain names. The WHOIS records will include details about the company who manages your domain names.
Linking social network accounts to your website (full article)
Integrating Google tools with your website (full article)
You can find your primary domain name by clicking the My account link in the Settings toolbar, and then clicking Manage domain names in the Domain names section. Your primary domain name is listed in the Primary domain name section.
Note that you'll need to log out of your website before you view your page's source code to confirm that the tracking code is on the correct page—the code does not appear in your source code while you're logged in.
Note that you'll need to log out of your website before you view your page's source code to confirm that the conversion tracking code is on the correct page—the code does not appear in your source code while you're logged in.
Selling your products and services online (full article)
If you've only temporarily run out of stock of an item, you can reselect this option once you get more in stock.
Creating a gallery and adding gallery items (full article)
- List view: 90 x 90 pixels
- Grid view: 202 x 202 pixels
- Jumbo view: 462 x 462 pixels
- Detailed view: the width is 470 pixels and the height varies depending on the original image size. If the width of your original image is not 470 pixels, it will be resized to 470 pixels, and the height will be resized so it's proportional to this.
When visitors click an item image while in the detailed view, the image will appear in a pop-up window in its original size.
- the file format is not supported (you can only upload JPG, GIF and PNG files),
- the image is larger than 15MB, or
- the file is corrupted.
Note that if you have a slow internet connection, it might take some time to upload your image. You'll need to wait for the upload to finish before you click Add.
If you've created a Google AdWords ad campaign, you can use Conversion Tracking to track visitors who click on your ad, then complete the Ask a question form for a gallery item. For more information, see Integrating Google tools with your website.
If you've only temporarily run out of stock of an item, you can reselect this option once you get more in stock.
Getting paid online (full article)
For detailed information on what it will cost after this time, log in to your website and click My account on the Settings menu.