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The Users page displays a list of the registered users of your business. You should create a user for each staff member who needs to sign in to your MYOB Essentials business. All users will be able to access MYOB Essentials at the same time, and there's no limit to how many users you can create.

There are two access levels you can apply to users: standard user or administrator.


Standard user

This is the default user access level. Most staff members you create users for will be standard users, and this access level is suitable for most bookkeepers.

Standard users can add sales and purchases, do a pay run, and generally have access to day-to-day activities of your business.

AdministratorIf you want to give a user a higher level of access, you can make them an administrator. Administrators have all access of the Standard users, plus they can create or delete users, and change a user’s access level.

When you registered your MYOB Essentials business and entered user details, the user you created was made an administrator by default. There must always be at least one administrator in your list of users.


See the following sections for more information:

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