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Accountants Enterprise with Practice Manager only

Assignment Data Security can be used to define an additional level of security that controls which areas in the practice (company, office, department or centre) can view assignments for clients that are sensitive within these areas. These settings apply across the whole practice.

The Assignment Data Security page enables you specify access to assignments based on the employee’s Primary Stationed Record, i.e., you can restrict access to assignments so that only employees who belong to the same company, office, department or centre can access that data.

When implementing Assignment Data Security, you must review your current employee records as any employee who has Full Assignment access ticked under their Employee's Main tab will override this feature and may have access to data you don't want them to see.

To set up assignment data security
  1. Select MaintenanceSecurity > Assignment Data Security on the main menu or MaintenanceMaintenance MapSecurity > Assignment Data Security. The Assignment Data Security page opens.

  2. Click the Company checkbox to restrict access to employees who belong to the same company.

  3. Click the Office checkbox to restrict access to employees who belong to the same office location.

  4. Click the Department checkbox to restrict access to employees who belong to the same department.

  5. Click the Centre checkbox to restrict access to employees who belong to the same centre.

    You can select any number of options. If all the options are selected, only employees belonging to the same company, office, department and centre can access the client assignment.

  6. Click OK to save the changes and close the Assignment Data Security page.

  7. Close and re-open AE for the changes to take effect.