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Templates are used to control what's displayed in the header across the top of your invoices, quotes and statements. This gives you a space to communicate your brand to your customers. Sales templates are also known as invoice forms.

For example, you can add a business logo and choose the business details you want to appear.

You can set up as many templates as you like, but if you have a favourite you can set it as the default template to use.

Payment details

Your accepted payment options are shown in the footer of your invoices, quotes and statements - find out how to set these up.

Before working with templates, it's a good idea to check that your business details and your customer address details are up to date—this information appears automatically on your invoices, quotes and statements.

OK, let's look at the details.

If you're accessing an AccountRight company file in a web browser, you can use your existing AccountRight desktop templates when emailing or printing transactions. If you need to edit these templates you can do that in your AccountRight software.

To create a new template

To create a new template

  1. Click your business name and choose Sales settings.
  2. Click the Templates tab.
  3. Click Create Template. A PDF preview of the template is shown so you can see the effect of your changes using the settings on the left.
  4. Under Template options, enter a Name for the template.
  5. If you'd like to use this template for all your sales documents, select the option Set as default template. You can choose a different template when you print or email an invoice, quote or statement.
  6. Set up the Header style.

    SettingWhat it does
    Feature colourSets the colour of the line separating the upper and lower parts of the template.
    Header text colourSets the colour of your business name.
    PDF style
    • Logo and business details—allows you to upload a business logo and choose the business details you want to appear in the header.
    • Full width header image—allows you to upload a branded header image that spans the full width of your invoices and quotes. Make sure your business details (including your ABN or GST/IRD number) are included within the image or they won't show up on your invoices and quotes. A full width header image also allows you to display other business-specific information which you can't otherwise record in MYOB.
    Position customer address for windowed envelopeEnsures the customer's details are positioned so they will display in standard windowed envelopes.
  7. Set up the Header information.

    SettingWhat it does
    Logo/ImageDepending on your selection in PDF style in the Header style settings above, this button allows you to upload a logo or header image.
    Business details placementAligns your business details to the left or right.
    Your business detailsSelected business details will display on your invoice and quotes. These details are based on what you've entered in the Business details page.

    Here's our example:

  8. When you're happy with your template, click Save.
To edit or delete a template

To edit or delete a template

If you're accessing an AccountRight company file in a web browser, you can only edit your AccountRight desktop templates in your AccountRight software.

  1. Click your business name and choose Sales settings.
  2. Click the Templates tab.
  3. Click the ellipsis button for the template and choose either Edit template or Delete.
  4. Complete the process.

    If you' this...
    editing a template
    1. Make your changes - see To create a new template above for details of each setting.
    2. Click Save.
    deleting the template

    Click Delete to the confirmation message

To set a default template

To set a default template

If you're accessing an AccountRight company file in a web browser, you can't set your existing AccountRight desktop templates as default templates when working in the browser. You can still select these templates when emailing or printing transactions.

  1. Click your business name and choose Sales settings.
  2. Click the Templates tab.
  3. Click to open the template you want to set as the default.
  4. Under Template options, select the option Set as default template.
  5. Click Save. This template will now be selected by default when you print or email invoices and quotes, but you can choose a different template if you like.