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What inventory features are available in MYOB Business

AccountRight Premier, Plus and Standard, online company files only

You can now use some powerful inventory features when you access an AccountRight company file using a web browser.

This includes creating, buying and selling inventory items, making inventory adjustments and reporting on stock quantities and profit margins. You also get the ability to see what stock needs reordering and easily reorder with one click.

These features are not available for AccountRight Basic users.

Not all AccountRight inventory features are available in a browser

AccountRight web browser inventory is ideal for retail businesses with simple inventory needs, such as those that don't backorder to fulfil sales or build items.

If you use AccountRight features that are not available in a browser, you should continue to do your inventory in the AccountRight desktop app – although we encourage you to explore the features that are available now.

If you have more complex needs, such as backordering, tiered pricing, or the ability to build items from other items, you should use the inventory features available in the AccountRight desktop app.

Refer to the following to see what features are available.

What inventory things you can do in AccountRight browser*

Create items

Buy and sell items

Track item quantities


* You can also access the features in the AccountRight desktop app not available in the browser, like the ability to build items, create custom pricing levels or store inventory at multiple locations.


Why has the default Freight tax code changed?


You might notice that the default Tax/GST code for the Freight field is different when you enter a sale or purchase in the browser.

This is because the default Tax/GST code in the browser is set in linked accounts:

  • for sales, the linked income account for freight (Accounting menu > Manage linked accounts > Sales Income account for freight)

  • for purchases, the linked expense account for freight (Accounting menu > Manage linked accounts > Purchases Expense or cost of sales account for freight)

whereas in the desktop app it's set in the customer's or supplier's card (Card Information window > Selling/Buying Details > Freight Tax Code).

You can easily change the Tax/GST code in the transaction or set a new default Tax/GST code in the browser by editing the relevant freight linked account.

(AccountRight Premier users) Why do I get a message that there’s not enough stock on hand when there is sufficient stock?


If you try to save an item invoice and receive the message, There's not enough stock on hand for item undefined. Check if you have enough stock of the items on this invoice., even though you do have enough stock on hand, this is because you use the multiple inventory locations feature in AccountRight desktop and you store the item at more than one location.

Multiple locations isn’t available in AccountRight browser. When you enter an item sale AccountRight browser, it's only able to check the stock on hand at the primary location and can't count the items at other locations.

Solution: enter the sale in AccountRight desktop instead.