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  • Viewing bills




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 If you want to preview a bill, see Previewing and printing bills.

To open the Bills page, go to the Purchases menu and choose Bills.

Bills option on the purchases menu

The Bills page lists all of the bills you’ve entered into MYOB Essentials. For each bill, the bill number, supplier, date received, date due, total amount and amount due is listed. To find a bill, you can use the search feature or filter the list by type.

Every bill has a status:

  • Paid—for bills that have been paid in full.
  • Not paid—for bills that you haven’t entered a payment for.
  • Overdue—for all bills that are overdue.
  • Return—for all supplier returns and debits.

If you need to view the details of a bill or add some more information, like the invoice number, click the Bill No. of the bill.

Using Essentials Accounting Starter?

If you subscribe to Essentials Accounting Starter, you have a monthly limit of 5 bills. You can keep track of how many billsyou have at the top of the Bills page.

3 bills remaining warning on bills page

If you reach your bill limit and find yourself needing more, you can upgrade your subscription by clicking Need more? to bring up the upgrade popup window.

Need to record more bills popup window

Click Upgrade now to be taken to the Subscription details page, where you can change your Essentials subscription.

To filter the list of bills

To filter the list of bills

From the list, select the type of bills you want to see:

  • All—displays all bills. This is the default option.
  • Closed—displays bills with a Paid status.
  • Open—displays bills with a Not paid or Overdue status.
  • Returns—displays supplier returns and debits (bills with a Return status).
To search for a bill

To search for a bill

In the search field enter part of a number or word relating to the bill you’re trying to find.

Search field with search text

For example, you can enter part of the bill number, the supplier’s name, the date the bill was received or is due, the total bill amount or the amount due.

When you press Enter, the list is populated with the bills that match your search term.

Use sorting in addition to searching

If searching gives you a large number of results, try sorting by one of the columns. You can also filter the bills list by type.

To view a bill's activity

To view a bill's activity

At the bottom of each bill you can see the bill's activity, such as the creation date and when it was paid.

  1. On the Bills page, click the bill you want to view the activity for. The Bill page appears.
  2. At the bottom of the page, the Activity is shown.
  3. For supplier returns, you can click Show transactions for this supplier return. A list of all bank transactions relating to the return is shown.
  4. If you want to view the details of a transaction, you can click on it.
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