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  • Entering payments made to suppliers




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When you enter payments made to suppliers, you enter the details of each payment in the Pay bill page. If a single payment is made for several bills, you can allocate the individual amounts in the same window. If you need to change a payment, you can edit or delete it.

If you use bank feeds or import statements you can match bank transactions directly to your purchases.

You can also use In tray to link supplier documents to payments enabling you to keep track of documents without the hassle of filing.

Just want to pay a utility bill or general expense? If you don't need to record the bill details or track due dates (such as a phone bill or petrol expense), just pay the bill by credit card, BPAY, direct debit, etc, and record the transaction in Essentials when it appears on your bank feed. You can make this easier by setting up rules to automatically record these transactions.

To enter a payment to a supplier

To enter a payment to a supplier

You can only enter a payment for a bill you’ve already created on the Bill page. For more information see Creating, editing and deleting bills.


  1. Go to the Purchases menu and choose Pay bills link. The Pay bill page appears.

    You can also enter a payment made to a supplier from the Bill page, as you’re creating the bill.

  2. Select the supplier you’re paying from the To list. (If you’re entering a payment from the Bill page, the supplier will already be selected.)
    All the unpaid bills for the selected supplier appear in the list, with the oldest at the top. (If you’re entering a payment from the Bill page, only the relevant bill will appear in the list.)

  3. Select the bank or credit card account from which you’re paying this bill from the From account list.
  4. If you want, enter a note that describes the overall transaction in the Notes field.
  5. Make sure that the date is correct. If not, enter a new date in the Date field, or click the icon next to it to select the date from a calendar.
  6. Make sure that the reference number is correct. If not, enter a new reference number in the Reference number field.

    If you change the reference number, you’ll change the automatic numbering. For example, if you change the number to SP000081, the next time you make a supplier payment, MYOB Essentials will display the new reference number as SP000082.

  7. Enter the total amount you’ve paid the supplier in the Amount field. This can be a full payment of a bill, a part payment or a payment for several bills.

    If there’s more than one unpaid bill in the list for the selected supplier, start allocating the payment against the oldest bill (at the top of the list).

  8. If you’re entitled to a discount, enter the amount in the Discount given field.
    The Amount due will be recalculated automatically.
  9. Enter the Amount applied against the relevant bill.
  10. If this payment covers more than one bill, repeat from step 8 for each bill.

    The total of all amounts applied to the bills, after adjusting for any discounts, should now equal the amount entered in step 7.

  11. Click Save when all payments for this supplier have been entered.
  12. If the amounts don’t balance, a message will appear. Click OK and complete the following steps.
    1. Check that the Amount you entered in step 7 is correct.
    2. Check that each Amount applied you entered in step 9 and step 10 is correct.
    3. When you’re sure that all the details you’ve entered are correct, click Save again.
    The payments are recorded and the Bills or Bill page reappears.
To edit a payment to a supplier

To edit a payment to a supplier

You can only edit supplier payments that haven’t been reconciled or matched to a bank transaction. If you want to edit a reconciled or matched payment, you need to unreconcile or unmatch it first, using the Bank reconciliation or Bank transactions page.

  1. From the Banking menu, select Transaction history. The Transaction history page appears.
  2. In the Account list, select the bank account from which the supplier payment was made, or select All bank accounts.
  3. In the list, find the supplier payment that you want to edit, and click the link in the Reference column for that payment. The View pay bill page appears, showing the bills to which the payment was applied.
  4. If you’re having trouble finding the payment, it might be helpful to adjust the date range shown in the From and To fields, or to click on the Debit column heading to show the transactions in order of amount spent.
  5. Click Edit pay bill at the top of the page. The Edit pay bill page appears, showing how the payment was applied. Any other open bills for the supplier are also displayed.
  6. If the Edit pay bill button doesn’t appear, the transaction has been reconciled or matched, and is not editable. If you want to edit it, you first need to unreconcile it on the Bank reconciliation page or unmatch it on the Bank transactions page.
  7. Make your required changes to the payment. You can change any details except which supplier you’re paying. If you want to change the supplier, you’ll need to delete the payment and create a new one using the correct supplier.
  8. Click Save to save your changes to the payment.
To delete a payment to a supplier

To delete a payment to a supplier

You can only delete supplier payments that haven’t been reconciled or matched to a bank transaction. If you want to delete a reconciled or matched payment, you need to unreconcile or unmatch it first, using the Bank reconciliation or Bank transactions page.

  1. From the Banking menu, select Transaction history. The Transaction history page appears.
  2. In the Account list, select the bank account from which the supplier payment was made, or select All bank accounts.
  3. In the list, find the supplier payment that you want to delete, and click the link in the Reference column for that payment. The View pay bill page appears, showing the bills to which the payment was applied.
  4. If you’re having trouble finding the payment, it might be helpful to adjust the date range shown in the From and To fields, or to click on the Debit column heading to show the transactions in order of amount spent.
  5. Click Delete. A confirmation message appears.
  6. Click Yes to delete the payment.


Can I create a remittance advice?

Can I create a remittance advice?

You can't currently generate a remittance advice in MYOB Essentials. If you'd like to see this feature included in the future, you can vote for it on the MYOB Essentials Idea Exchange.

Why can't I see amounts in the Pay Bills screen?

Why can't I see amounts in the Pay Bills screen?

This display issue appears when using Internet Explorer. To prevent this issue, access MYOB Essentials using Google Chrome (download it here).


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