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  • Error: "ClassName- TfrmMain ErrorClass ETokenException PRINTMGROBJ TPrintManagerObj Load File from Unknown Token"




BankLink Books and BankLink Practice

In MYOB BankLink Practice or BankLink Books the following message may appear on log in and can occur as a result of a corrupted user file:

"ClassName: TfrmMain ErrorClass: ETokenException PRINTMGROBJ TPrintManagerObj :Load File from Unknown Token"

MYOB is investigating this issue.

To resolve this issue you will need to delete the USER.PRS file and then recreate it by logging back into BankLink Practice or BankLink Books.


To delete the USER.PRS file
  1. Simultaneously press the Windows and E keys on your keyboard (the Windows key is between the Ctrl and Alt keys). The Windows Explorer window appears.

  2. Open the folder where BankLink Practice or BankLink Books is installed. This is typically the BK5 folder. If you are unsure of this location, right-click the desktop shortcut for BankLink Practice or BankLink Books and select Open file location.

  3. Browse to the file starting with your user code and ending in .PRS
    For example, if your user code is JOHN_SMI the file will be called JOHN_SMI.PRS

  4. Right-click the file name and choose Delete then click Yes to confirm. The PRS file is deleted.
  5. Log back into BankLink Practice or BankLink Books.