
How satisfied are you with our online help?*

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Do the following tasks to set up MYOB Essentials and start using it to run your business.

Thinking of switching to MYOB Essentials from another program? Check out our migration services (Australia | New Zealand).

MYOB Essentials Community Forum

Find support and answers from MYOB Essentials experts and other users. Ask and answer questions about MYOB Essentials, and learn from the experiences of other MYOB Essentials users.

Click here to go to the community forum, or learn more about the community forum.

MYOB Training

MYOB Training courses are designed to assist small business owners and bookkeepers with the use of their accounting software.

See our training site for more information.

Finding topics in this help

You can find a topic in this help in the following ways:

  • Search—Enter your search terms in the search field at the top of the help page to search the entire help. A list of topics that match your search term appears.
    example search field with serch term entered

  • Breadcrumbs—The breadcrumbs across the top of each page shows where your current page sits in the list of all help topics. It's an easy way to find your way around the help. Hover over the breadcrumbs to see other help topics.
    breadcrumbs with arrow clicked and other topics listed

  • Procedure topics—Step-by-step procedures are initially hidden when you view a topic. To view the procedure, click the heading or the drop-down arrow ( > ) next to it.
    example procedures