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  • Changing or deleting a pay




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If you need to change something in a recorded pay, you'll need to delete the pay then re-enter it. This will delete both the payment and the payslip, and remove the pay from all payroll reports.

You can delete one employee pay at a time, so you can repeat the process to delete all employee pays in a pay run.

Here's how:


To delete an employee's pay

To delete an employee's pay

Already paid the employee? Deleting the payroll transaction can affect your future bank reconciliations. You'll need to unmatch or unreconcile it first. See "Deleting reconciled or matched payroll transactions" below.

  1. Go to the Payroll menu and click Employees.
  2. Click the employee's name.

    Can't see the employee? The employee might be inactive - click Show inactive.

  3. Click the Pay history tab.
  4. Click the X in the Del column for the pay you want to delete.
  5. Click Yes to the confirmation message.
  6. Click Save at the bottom of the page.

Save button missing or not working? Try a different web browser, like Chrome or Firefox.

You can now do a new pay for the employee.

To delete all pays in a pay run

To delete all pays in a pay run

If you need to delete an entire pay run (all employee pays for a pay period), you'll need to delete the pay of each employee in the pay run. See the steps above.

Once you've deleted the pay transaction for every employee in the pay run, the entire pay run is deleted. You can then do a new pay run.

To delete reconciled or matched payroll transactions

To delete reconciled or matched payroll transactions

If the payroll transaction you’re deleting has already been reconciled or matched to a bank transaction, a message is displayed informing you that the transaction has been reconciled.

  • If the payroll transaction you’re deleting has been manually reconciled or matched to a bank transaction, deleting it can affect your future bank reconciliations. See Reconcile transactions.
  • If the payroll transaction you’re deleting is one of several transactions that have been matched to a single bank transaction (for example, if you used a single bank transaction to take out money to pay several employees), you’ll need to unmatch this transaction before you can delete it. See Matching bank transactions.
  • If the payroll transaction you’re deleting has been automatically reconciled, deleting it will remove the match and may affect your bank reconciliation. After deleting the payroll transaction it will reappear on your Bank transactions window where you can allocate or match it.


Why is a pay still showing after deleting it?

Why is a pay still showing after deleting it?

Make sure you click Save after deleting the pay.

How do I restart a pay run (instead of resuming it)?

How do I restart a pay run (instead of resuming it)?

On the Pay centre page (Payroll menu > Enter pays), deselect then re-select an employee. You can now start the pay run from scratch.

animation showing employee being deselected then reselected

(New Zealand) How does deleting a pay affect payday filing?

How does deleting a pay affect payday filing?

New Zealand only

How you handle a deleted pay depends on the status of the submitted pay in myIR.

So start by logging in to myIR and checking the status.

If the status is...Do this...
  1. Delete the pay from myIR. Visit the IR website to learn how.
  2. Delete the pay in MYOB Essentials (see instructions above).
  3. Redo pay run.
Submission Received
  1. Zero out the figures for the pay in myIR.
  2. Delete the pay in MYOB Essentials (see instructions above).
  3. Redo pay run.
From the community

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