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  • Changing or deleting pay items




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Key points
  • Pay items (earnings and deductions) are the additional earnings and deductions in an employee's pay, on top of their normal salary or wages
  • Once you've created a pay item, you can change or delete it
  • Changing a pay item will change it for all employees who are assigned that pay item. To change it for one employee, create a new pay item for them.
  • To change which pay items are assigned to your employees, see Assigning pay items to employees
  • If you need to fix a pay, see Fixing a pay

OK, let's take you through it:


To change a pay item

To change a pay item

When you change a pay item, it'll change for all employees it's been linked to. If you only need to change a pay item for one employee, unlink the pay item from that employee and create a new pay item for them.

  1. Go to the Payroll menu and choose Pay items. The Pay items page appears.
  2. If required, choose whether to display Active Pay Items, Deleted Pay Items or All Pay Items.
  3. Click the ellipsis button next to the earning or deduction and choose Edit.

  4. Make your changes to the pay item. For details of the fields and options in a pay item, see Creating pay items.
  5. Click Save.

Changing a pay item from within an employee's record

If you change a pay item from within an employee's record, it'll change it for all employees who have been assigned that pay item.

Go to Payroll > Employees > click an employee > Pay items - earnings & deductions tab > click the pay item's ellipsis button > Edit for all employees and make your changes.

To change an employee's deduction amount

To change an employee's deduction amount

When you create a deduction, you can set a default amount per pay. But you can override this and set a custom deduction amount for an employee. Changing the amount for one employee doesn't change the amount for other employees.

  1. From the Payroll menu, choose Employees.
  2. Click the employee's name.
  3. Click the Pay items - earnings & deductions tab.
  4. Change the Amount for the deduction to be modified.
  5. Click Save.

The Balance owed ($) only applies to reducing balance deductions.

To delete a pay item

To delete a pay item

Deleting a pay item removes it from all employees and saved pay runs that it's linked to, but it'll still be available for reporting.

  1. Go to the Payroll menu and choose Pay items. The Pay items page appears.
  2. If required, choose whether to display Active Pay Items or All Pay Items.

  3. Click the ellipsis button next to the earning or deduction and choose Delete.

  4. Read the displayed message about the impact of deleting the pay item.

  5. Click Delete.


What if the amount of a pay item varies between employees?

What if the amount of a pay item varies between employees?

You can set a different amount for employee deductions when assigning pay items.

Otherwise you can either:

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