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Unable to display your client list or details?

If you're seeing the error, "There's nothing wrong with your AE/AO Live, but one of the services at your business is not running..." when attempting to load your clients list, there might be an issue at our end. These issues are usually resolved within minutes, so please try again later.

If you use MYOB AE/AO in your practice, you should check that your practice server is on and has access to the internet. If that's all good, the MYOB OnTheGo API service on the server might have stopped. The following troubleshooting information will help you check it.

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titleTroubleshooting for MYOB AE/AO users


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titleCheck if the MYOB OnTheGo service is running

On the server/computer where your MYOB AE/AO software is installed:

  1. Open your Windows Start menu and type services.
  2. Select Services.
  3. Locate the MYOB OnTheGo API Service and check its status. 
  4. If the status is blank, you need to start it. See below for help with this.
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titleIf you need to start the MYOB OnTheGo service

On the server/computer where your MYOB AE/AO software is installed:

  1. Open your Windows Start menu and type services.
  2. Select Services.
  3. Locate the MYOB OnTheGo API Service.
  4. If the status is blank, you need to start it by right-clicking the service and selecting Start.

If the service:

  • starts, the issue should be fixed. You should check that the MYOB OnTheGo API Service starts after the next server restart.
  • remains in the "Starting" state, wait for 5 minutes for it to finish. If a message appears saying that a service is taking too long to start, click OK and wait a further 5 minutes.
  • doesn't start, force it to stop and then start it again.

Also note:

  • If the service takes more than 5 minutes to start, there are probably internet access issues. See your system administrator for advice.
  • The Startup Type should be set to Automatic (Delayed Start). This will avoid problems with the service not being started in the future.
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titleIf you need to stop the MYOB OnTheGo service

On the server/computer where your MYOB AE/AO software is installed:

  1. Open your Windows Start menu and type services.
  2. Select Services.
  3. Locate the MYOB OnTheGo API Service.
  4. Stop the service by right-clicking on the service and selecting Stop.
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titleIf the MYOB OnTheGo service is missing

If the MYOB OnTheGo API Service is not listed in the Services window on the server/computer where your MYOB AE/AO software is installed, try this:

  1. Open your Windows Start menu and type cmd .
  2. Right-click Command Prompt and run it as an administrator.
  3. Type cd C:\Program Files (x86)\MYOB\OntheGoPremise\ (or the folder where MYOB OnTheGo is installed on your computer). Press Enter.
  4. Type CloudBurst.Premise.ConsoleHost.exe install . Press Enter.

If you see a message saying "The installation failed" or "The specified service already exists", try this:

  1. In the same command prompt window, type CloudBurst.Premise.ConsoleHost.exe uninstall . Press Enter and wait a few moments for the service to be uninstalled.
  2. Type CloudBurst.Premise.ConsoleHost.exe install . Press Enter.
  3. Once the service is installed, type CloudBurst.Premise.ConsoleHost.exe start . Press Enter.


Other errors you might see

Are you getting any of the following errors?

  • Sorry it looks like you've landed in the wrong place. In fact, this page doesn't even exist. Try visiting one of the pages below.
  • Well, this is awkward. Looks like you're forbidden from accessing this page. Check with your admin to see what permissions you have. Or head to one of the pages below.
  • Apologies, something's not quite right. We can't get the information you need from our servers.
  • Sorry, the dots just don't join up right now. This page is temporarily unavailable. Please try again shortly.

Here are some things you can try:

  • Reload/refresh the page.
  • Wait a few minutes and try what you were doing again.
  • Check your permissions with your system administrator.
  • Check that you've logged into the right database See the "Access a different database" FAQ for more info.
  • The MYOB OnTheGo API Service on your practice server might not be running. See "Troubleshooting for MYOB AE/AO users" above for more info.
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