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After you've created a client portal, you can:

  • edit the portal name
  • add and remove clients
  • add and remove full-access users
  • add and remove contributors
  • edit a user's details
  • edit the default "Send as" and "Notify" practice users
  • select bulk-task assignees.

Consider the following before editing a portal

  • A client portal can't be deleted once it's created. See what you can do instead.
  • At least one client and one user must be associated with a client portal.
  • When you add a new user to the portal, they'll be sent an email to invite them to the portal.

If you want to remove a client or user from a portal

  • Users you remove won't be notified that they're no longer part of the portal. They'll no longer be able to log into the portal, but they will still be able to log into other portals to which they have been included.
  • Clients or users can't be removed from a portal if they have an open task. The task must be completed before the client or user is removed.
  • Any existing tasks associated with a client or user who has been removed from the portal, will remain in your Tasks page and the task history of the client's Tasks page.
  • You won't be able to publish a document from your desktop MYOB AE or MYOB AO to a client or user who has been removed from the portal.


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titleHow to edit a client portal
  1. Click Clients in the side navigation bar.

  2. Click Portal list.

  3. Click Edit for the selected client portal.
  4. Edit the Portal name, if required. Simply delete the existing text and enter a new portal name.

    UI Text Box

    The are a few restrictions for the portal name you can enter:
    - the field can't be blank
    - it must be unique
    - only letters and numbers can be included. The following special characters can't be used: ,([~#%*{}<>?/+|\"])
    - it must be 55 characters or less.

  5. Add or remove clients, if required.

    • Click + Add a client and type your client's name in the text field. Keep adding as many clients as required, by clicking + Add a client below the client already listed.

    • To remove a client from the portal, click associated with the client.

  6. Select the practice user who should be assigned the administrator role.

    They’ll receive any notifications from clients that aren’t replies to tasks they were assigned. For example, if a client uploads a document straight into their portal, the administrator will be notified.
    If you don’t select an administrator when creating the portal, the portal creator will become the administrator by default.

  7. Add or remove existing users, if required. 

    • To add a full access user, click + Add a full access user and type your user's name in the text field. Keep adding as many full access users as required, by clicking + Add a full access user below the user already listed.

    • To add a contributor, click + Add a contributor and type your user's name in the text field. Keep adding as many contributors as required, by clicking + Add a contributor below the user already listed.
    • To remove a full access user or contributor from the portal, click associated with the user.

  8. Add new users to this portal, if required.
    Once you click + Add a full access user or + Add a contributor, you'll have access to the + Create new user option. See Create client portal users for more info.

  9. Edit the details of the existing full access or contributor users, if required.
    1. Click  associated with the user.
    2. Edit the Name and Title / Position of the user.

      UI Text Box

      The email address can't be edited.

      If the user's email address is incorrect, you'll have to remove the user and then create them again. Edit the user's name (for example, add "OLD" to the name), and then create the new user with the correct email address. You can then remove the old user from the Client Portal if required.

      The user may only be removed if there are no outstanding Tasks linked to the client. If the email address had been initially entered incorrectly, prior to deleting the email address, delete any documents that are currently awaiting approval. If your client has changed their email address, do not delete documents that are published or signed.

  10. Select the default practice user who should appear as the sender of tasks created for users of this portal.

    If nobody is currently selected, click + Select a default sender to select a practice user. If you don’t select a default user, the person who creates the task will appear to the client as the task sender, but you can change this person when creating a task.

    You might want to select a different user to the task creator if the person who sends the task isn’t the person that the client would usually deal with. For example, Anna may be the partner who deals with Michelle, Clearwater’s business owner, but James might be the one who sends Michelle her tasks. If you want Anna to appear as the “From” name on emails the client receives and the task creator in the client’s portal, you would set Anna as the default “send as” user.

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    If you have set up a practice alias, you can select it to be the default task sender. Learn how to create a practice alias

  11. Select who should be notified by default when a portal user adds comments to a task or approves a document.
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    Click + Add someone to notify to select a practice user.

    If you don’t select any practice users, only the task creator will receive notifications by default, but you can add additional people to notify when creating the task.

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    You can add a practice alias as a user to notify, so that the email notifications are sent to the email account associated with the alias. Learn how to create a practice alias 

  12. Choose who in the portal should be assigned tasks that are bulk-sent from the Transaction processing page (such as coding reports or when you use the Create task feature).
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    To select the bulk task assignees, click + Add an assignee. If you don’t select any bulk task assignees, the tasks will be automatically assigned to all full access users.

  13. Click Update.
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titleRelated topics

Delete a client portalAbout client portals


View a list of client portals
