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Do not delete this page - MYOB Practice navigates to it from within the product

Australia only

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This page is about activity statements and forms the online compliance view. If you're preparing an FBT return, you'll need to create the return from the old view. Click Back to the old system to switch back to the old view.

You can lodge activity statements for your clients if you've set up your tax agent details, and your clients appear in MYOB Practice.

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titleUnderstanding activity statements

When you start your compliance work, we'll check for any outstanding activity statement obligations that your client has with the ATO. We'll then create and pre-fill the form with the details of the outstanding obligation (where available), including:

  • form type
  • branch code
  • period
  • lodgment due date
  • any pre-determined ATO instalments.

The fields that appear in the form will depend on the type of BAS form the ATO has requested. For information about the fields you'll find in each section, see:

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titleTo create an activity statement

TitleBefore you begin

Set yourself up for success and minimise interruption by ensuring:

  • you're authorised to lodge activity statements or forms on behalf of your client, to the ATO
  • an agent is linked to this client in their Configuration settings
  • the client has an ABN and/or TFN in their MYOB Practice client details
  • the client's details like ABN, Branch and contact information in MYOB Practice match what's in your ATO agent portal.

If your client has an online AccountRight or Essentials file, you can also link your client to their file in the Transaction Processing page. This lets you easily access all your client's online files from a single location, so it's easy to find come BAS time.


  1. Click Compliance on the menu bar. The Compliance page appears.
  2. Click Create compliance on the top right of the page. The Create compliance window appears.

  3. Select a client from the drop-down.

    MYOB Practice checks against the ATO for outstanding activity statements and automatically pre-fills the details of the outstanding activity statement.

  4. If you have multiple activity statements outstanding, select the Branch code and/or Period for the activity statement you want to create.

  5. Click Create. The outstanding compliance job appears in the client's Compliance list. To open the activity statement or form, click the compliance job in the Compliance list.

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titleTo delete an activity statement (BAS and IAS only)
UI Text Box

You can only delete BAS and IAS with the status:

  • Not started
  • In progress
  • In review
  • Fail to load.
  1. In the Compliance page, find the BAS or IAS that you want to delete.

  2. Click the ellipsis icon () and choose Delete. The message "Are you sure you want to delete this form and all its content?" appears.
  3. Click Delete.

Activity statement preparation tasks

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titleRelated topics

Add an FBT return

Validating and reviewing forms, reviewing and approving compliance work

Understanding the Compliance page

Sending the forms tax returns and activity statements for client review

Lodging a formtax return and activity statement