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This section is only relevant if you’re an MYOB Partner and don't use MYOB AE/AO.

If you use MYOB AE/AO, MYOB Practice now syncs any client restrictions that have been set up in your MYOB AE/AO desktop software, so you need to change restrictions settings in your desktop software.

If you’re an administrator, you can restrict staff access to client details stored in MYOB Practice Online. This will keep their details confidential to just the administrators in your practice, and selected staff members.

Restricted clients are identified with a padlock icon in the Clients list. If a staff member doesn’t have access to a client, they won’t see the client’s name in their Clients list.


What will be restricted

  • The Client details page, which lists their contact details, date of birth, and tax numbers.

What won’t be restricted

  • The client’s MYOB Essentials or AccountRight file on the Transaction processing page if the staff member is set up as a user of their file.
  • Documents sent to the client’s portal or uploaded by the client via their portal.
  • Tasks created for the client.
  • (Australia) Activity statements and tax returns.
  • Debtor and WIP details for the client in the Practice page.
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We’re currently working on the ability to also restrict the above client information.

Restricting access to a client

Follow these steps to select who in your practice can access a client.

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titleTo restrict access to a client
  1. Click Clients in the sidebar.
  2. From the client list, select the client you want to restrict access for.
  3. Click Manage access.
  4. Choose who should have access to the client’s details:
    • All staff: No restrictions will be applied. All staff in the practice will be able to view the client’s details.
    • Specific staff: All administrators plus anyone you add in the Manage access window will have exclusive access to the client’s details.
  5. To give a non-administrator access to the client, click Add Staff.
    You can search for a staff member, or select them from the list. Administrators aren’t listed because they can always access all clients, whether restricted or not.
  6. To remove someone’s access, click the x next to their name.
  7. Click Save.

Giving staff access to restricted clients

If you’re an administrator you can give a staff member access to clients who are currently restricted from the Edit staff page.

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If a client is currently unrestricted, follow the “Restricting “To restrict access to a client” procedure above instead.

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titleTo give staff access to restricted clients
  1. Click Settings in the sidebar.
  2. Click Staff in the settings menu.
  3. Select a non-administrator staff member (they will have a General role).
  4. Click Manage access.
  5. In the Manage access window, select the clients you want to give the staff member access to.
    The list only includes clients who’ve already been restricted to administrators and specific staff.
  6. To remove access to a restricted client, click the x next to the client’s name.
  7. Click Save.
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When you add a staff member you can also select the restricted clients they should have access to.

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