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In MYOB Practice you can store stores information about your clients and other contacts. This It also gives you easy access to their details, even when you're on the road.

A client can be an individual, a business or another organisation.

Viewing client records

Click Clients in the side navigation bar. There are two lists you can access:

client and contact details such as names, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses.

Here's what you can do on the Contacts page:

  • View the details of your client such as name, address, contact details, etc.
  • Pin the clients you're working on to Client sidebar.
  • Filter and group by different options available.
  • Access the client workspace so you can see the work in progress for your client.
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Managing your client and contacts in MYOB Practice is slightly different depending on whether you're using MYOB AE/AO.

Difference between a client and a general contact

There are some differences that distinguish a client from a contact:

  • Clients are individuals or entities such as companies that you do work for. They must have a client code assigned to them.
  • Contacts (General) are individuals or entities such as companies that your practice may come into contact with as part of its work.
    For example, prospective clients, suppliers of products and services such as banks, and shareholders, directors, or partners that you may need in your database but do not do work for.

Viewing client and contact records

To view your contacts and clients, click Contacts in the top menu bar.

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  • The Contact list page displays all the clients you have access to in your database.
  • Click their a client's name to open the client's their workspace, or click anywhere else in the client row to quickly view their details on the same page, including phone numbers and tax information, and proof of ID.
    (New Zealand only) You can also use the Contact list page to search for IRD numbers.
  • The Portal list page lists the portals you've set up for them , and key information. Click the portal's name to edit its details. 


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Pinning a client

Have a long list of clients, but working on just a few at the moment?


Pin the clients you're working on to

My List

the client sidebar.

Editing client details

What you can edit depends on whether you use MYOB AE/AO desktop software in your practice.

  • If you use MYOB AE/AO desktop software in your practice: Each client’s phone number, address, tax information, family group and associations details you entered in MYOB AE/AO will appear automatically in MYOB Practice. To edit the information that appears in MYOB Practice, you’ll need to make the changes in your desktop software.
  • If you don't use MYOB AE/AO: You can add clients directly in MYOB Practice by clicking Create client on the Contact list page. To edit a client, select them in the Contact list, and then click Edit to add or makes changes to their information

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    Filter your clients and contacts

    On the Contacts page, you can use filters to show:

    Client workspace

    The Client workspace page gives you a quick overview of the status of client-related work, and lets you open client files.

    Click the client's name to view the client workspace.

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    Create clients

    My List

    Sync your contacts


    Troubleshooting contacts



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    Clients and contacts

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