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Linking your clients' MYOB Essentials, MYOB Business or online AccountRight files to the clients you've created in MYOB Practice unlocks some great benefits.

Linking lets you see who owns each file that's listed on the Transaction processing page, and lets you quickly contact them if you need to. You'll see a icon next to the file name if no client is linked to it.

Some activity statement information (Australia) can be automatically filled for you, based on information in the MYOB Business/MYOB Essentials business or AccountRight company file.

To link a file to a client

If you want to link someone who already appears as a client in MYOB Practice to their MYOB Essentials, MYOB Business or AccountRight file:

  1. From Transaction processing, in the Online files view, click Link to client icon next to the file name for the file you want to link.
  2. In the Who does this file belong to? dialog, enter the client name in the Search field and press Enter or click the search icon.

  3. Select the appropriate client from the list of results.

  4. In the Are you sure this is correct? dialog, check that the right client is selected for the file.

  5. If it's the right client, click Link file, otherwise click Change and select another client or search again.

You can also link a file by clicking Link to client in the Client column or in the file's detail view.
To create a client and link them to an online file

If an MYOB Essentials, MYOB Business or AccountRight file appears in MYOB Practice, but you haven't set up a client for the file, follow these steps to create and link the client:

The information in this tab only applies if you have MYOB Practice without MYOB AE/AO.

  1. From Transaction processing, in the Online files view, click Link to client icon next to the file name for the file you want to link.
  2. In the Who does this file belong to? dialog, click create a client.

  3. Enter the client's details and then click Create.
    To save you time, some of the fields may be filled in for you, based on the client's MYOB Essentials, MYOB Business or AccountRight file.

  4. In the Are you sure this is correct? dialog, check that the right client is selected for the file.

  5. If the details are correct, click Link file, otherwise, click Change and edit the client's details.

The information in this tab only applies if you have both MYOB Practice and MYOB AE/AO.

  1. Create the client in your MYOB AE/AO desktop software.
    The client will automatically sync and appear in MYOB Practice after a few minutes.
  2. In MYOB Practice, click Transaction processing in the top menu bar.
  3. In the Online files view, click Link to client icon next to the file name for the file you want to link. 
  4. In the Who does this file belong to? dialog, enter the client name in the Search field and press Enter or click the search icon.

  5. Select the appropriate client from the list of results.

  6. In the Are you sure this is correct? dialog, check that the right client is selected for the file.

  7. If it's the right client, click Link file, otherwise, click Change and select another client, or search again.

To unlink a file from a client

The information in this tab only applies if you have MYOB Practice without MYOB AE/AO.

  1. From Transaction processing, in the Online files view, click the row for your client. The detailed view panel appears on the right of the page.
  2. Click the Client name in the detailed view panel.
    Image of detailed view showing client name
  3. Click Unlink file.
    The Link to client icon icon appears next to the file name, showing that the file is unlinked.

The information in this tab only applies if you have both MYOB Practice and MYOB AE/AO.

  1. In MYOB AE/AO desktop software, go to the client's Client Accounting > Trial Balance (or Workpapers) tab.
  2. On the Tasks bar on the left, click Remove Configuration Details.
    This removes the link to the data source, so you can configure the file again. This feature only appears where a ledger is configured for the client.