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Notify ASIC of changes to the share structure by preparing and lodging a Form 484 - Notification of company changes.

Before sending for signing, you can make multiple changes to a company in the same form:

To prepare a form 484 for shares
  1. Open the form.
  2. In the Notification of company changes - Form 484 page, select Change of shares. The Share changes options appear.
  3. Click Make a change. The Share change window appears.

To issue shares
  1. At the question What change would you like to make? Select Issue.
  2. In the Issuee details, select either:
    • Existing shareholder if you're issuing more shares to an existing shareholder of the company.
    • New shareholder if you're issuing shares to a contact that doesn't hold any shares in the company.
  3. Enter the Issue to details:
    1. If you selected Existing shareholder, then select the name of the shareholder from the Issue to drop-down.
    2. If you selected New shareholder, start typing the name of the shareholder in the Issuee field. A list of matching contacts displays.
      1. Select the shareholder, or if there are no matching contacts, click Create new contact to add the shareholder to your contacts list.
  4. Enter the Number of shares, Total paid and Total unpaid amounts.
  5. (Optional) Enter the Certificate number and Distinctive numbers.
  6. Select Yes if the shares are Beneficially held by the shareholder. If you select No to Beneficially held, enter the name of the Beneficial owner.
  7. Select Yes at Issued for cash if the shares are issued for cash consideration.
  8. Enter the Earliest date of issue.
  9. Click Save changes. The Share change window closes and the details of the change appears in the Form 484
  10. If you need to issue more shares, click Make a change and fill in the details.

    You can click Preview Form 484 to check the form before you finish preparing it.

  11. Click Continue and prepare forms.
  12. Complete the details.

    You can select multiple signatories.

    To edit the required signatories of a form, go to the Client lodgements page.

  13. Click Create forms.

  14. Click the ellipsis button for the form you created and choose Send for signing via portal. The Create task page appears.

    If you regularly send Form 484 with the same text, you can save time by using one of your practice's task templates to automatically fill in the Title and Description fields. Just click Apply a template ().

  15. Complete the details on the page.

    When you select the client, you can see the documents that will be sent as part of the change you've made. Use the Signature required option to indicate if any documents need signing.

  16. Click Create task for the selected client.
To transfer shares
  1. In the Notification of company changes - Form 484 window, select Change of shares. The Share changes options appear.
  2. Click + Make a change.

  3. In the Share change window, select Transfer.

  4. Under Transfer form, choose the shareholder you're transferring shares from. If the shares are beneficially held, the name of the beneficial owner appears in the Beneficial owner field.
  5. In the Number of shares field, enter the number of shares to be transferred.

  6. Under Transfer to, choose the recipient of the transferred shares. To create a new shareholder choose Create new issues.

  7. (If applicable) Enter the name of the Beneficial owner. We'll allocate the shares non-beneficially to the issue.

    Beneficial owners get direct benefits of the shares (e.g. dividends) If shareholder is holding shares on behalf of another person or org or trust, shares are not beneficially held.

  8. Click Save changes. The Share change window closes and the details of the changes to member appears in Form 484.

  9. If you need to notify of another share issue, transfer or cancellation of shares, click + Make a change and fill in the details.

    You can click Preview Form 484 to check the form before you finish preparing it.

  10. Click Continue and prepare forms.
  11. Complete the details.

    You can select multiple signatories.

    To edit the required signatories of a form, go to the Client lodgements page.

  12. Click Create forms.

  13. Click the ellipsis button for the form you created and choose Send for signing via portal. The Create task page appears.

    If you regularly send Form 484 with the same text, you can save time by using one of your practice's task templates to automatically fill in the Title and Description fields. Just click Apply a template ().

  14. Complete the details on the page.

    When you select the client, you can see the documents that will be sent as part of the change you've made. Use the Signature required option to indicate if any documents need signing.

  15. Click Create task for the selected client.
To cancel shares
  1. In the Share change window, select Cancellation.
  2. Click the Shareholder drop-down menu and select an existing shareholder.

  3. Click the Share class drop-down menu and choose the type of shares to be cancelled. The name of the Beneficial owner automatically appears where a beneficial owner exists.

  4. Enter the Share parcel. If there's only one share parcel, it will be pre-filled. If there's more than one share parcel, select the one you want to cancel.

  5. Enter a value in Number of shares to cancel field.

  6. Click the Cancellation provision drop-down menu and select the reason for the cancellation.

  7. Enter the Certificate no for the remaining shares. For example, if you've 10 shares and canceled 5 shares, enter the certificate number for the rest of the 5 shares.

  8. Enter the date the share cancellation will take effect in the Cancellation date field.

  9. Click Save changes. The Share change window closes and the details of the changes to member appears in Form 484.
  10. If you need to cancel another share, click + Make a change and fill in the details.

    You can click Preview Form 484 to check the form before you finish preparing it.

  11. Click Continue and prepare forms.
  12. Complete the details.

    You can select multiple signatories.

    To edit the required signatories of a form, go to the Client lodgements page.

  13. Click Create forms.

  14. Click the ellipsis button for the form you created and choose Send for signing via portal. The Create task page appears.

    If you regularly send Form 484 with the same text, you can save time by using one of your practice's task templates to automatically fill in the Title and Description fields. Just click Apply a template ().

  15. Complete the details on the page.

    When you select the client, you can see the documents that will be sent as part of the change you've made. Use the Signature required option to indicate if any documents need signing.

  16. Click Create task for the selected client.
To change beneficial ownership
  1. In the Share change window, select Beneficial ownership.
  2. Enter the name in Shareholder field.
  3. Enter the Share class and a Share parcel. If there's only one share parcel, it will be pre-filled.
  4. Under Update beneficiary details, select No or Yes in the Beneficially held. If you've selected Yes, enter the beneficiary name.
  5. Enter a date in Effective date.
  6. Click Save changes. The Share change window closes and the details of the changes to member appears in Form 484.
  7. If you need to update any other beneficiary details, click + Make a change and fill in the details.

    You can click Preview Form 484 to check the form before you finish preparing it.

  8. Click Continue and prepare forms.
  9. Complete the details.

    You can select multiple signatories.

    To edit the required signatories of a form, go to the Client lodgements page.

  10. Click Create forms.

  11. Click the ellipsis button for the form you created and choose Send for signing via portal. The Create task page appears.

    If you regularly send Form 484 with the same text, you can save time by using one of your practice's task templates to automatically fill in the Title and Description fields. Just click Apply a template ().

  12. Complete the details on the page.

    When you select the client, you can see the documents that will be sent as part of the change you've made. Use the Signature required option to indicate if any documents need signing.

  13. Click Create task for the selected client.
To update paid values
  1. In the Share change window, select Update paid values.
  2. Enter the name in Shareholder field.
  3. Enter the Share class and a Share parcel. If there's only one share parcel, it will be pre-filled.
  4. Enter Total paid value and Total unpaid value.
  5. Click Save changes. The Share change window closes and the details of the changes to member appears in Form 484.
  6. If you need to update any other values, click + Make a change and fill in the details.

    You can click Preview Form 484 to check the form before you finish preparing it.

  7. Click Continue and prepare forms.
  8. Complete the details.

    You can select multiple signatories.

    To edit the required signatories of a form, go to the Client lodgements page.

  9. Click Create forms.

  10. Click the ellipsis button for the form you created and choose Send for signing via portal. The Create task page appears.

    If you regularly send Form 484 with the same text, you can save time by using one of your practice's task templates to automatically fill in the Title and Description fields. Just click Apply a template ().

  11. Complete the details on the page.

    When you select the client, you can see the documents that will be sent as part of the change you've made. Use the Signature required option to indicate if any documents need signing.

  12. Click Create task for the selected client.