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AccountRight Plus and Premier, Australia only


Generally, if you pay an employee $450 or more before tax in a calendar month, you have to pay superannuation on top of their wages. This is called the Superannuation Guarantee and it's currently 9.5% of an employee’s ordinary time earnings. If you need to pay more than this, see Additional superannuation contributions.

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Super not calculating correctly? See Checking and adjusting superannuation.

Superannuation categories

AccountRight comes with a set of superannuation categories which you can use to calculate and track your employees' super payments. This includes a default Superannuation Guarantee category which you can assign to employees who are entitled to these contributions.

To view the superannuation categories, go to the Payroll command centre and click Payroll Categories then click the Superannuation tab.

default super categoriy list

These superannuation categories can be set up to suit your needs, or you can create new ones.

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Single Touch Payroll

Don't forget to select the ATO Reporting Category for each superannuation category you use. If unsure, check with your accounting advisor or the ATO.

Learn more about assigning ATO reporting categories for Single Touch Payroll reporting.

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titleTo assign the super guarantee category to an employee

To assign the super guarantee category to an employee

  1. Go to the Payroll command centre and click Payroll Categories. The Payroll Category List window appears.

  2. Click the Superannuation tab.
  3. Click the zoom arrow to open the Superannuation Guarantee category.
    List of super categories with superannuation guarantee category highlighted
    The Superannuation Information window appears.
  4. Click Employee (at the top of the window). The Linked Employees window appears.
  5. Select the employees to be assigned this super category.
  6. Click OK to close the Linked Employees window.
  7. Click OK to close the Superannuation Information window.

If you want to check the setup of the Superannuation Guarantee category, see To set up a superannuation category below.

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titleTo set up a superannuation category

To set up a superannuation category

  1. Go to the Payroll command centre and click Payroll Categories. The Payroll Category List window appears.

  2. Click the Superannuation tab.
  3. If the superannuation category you want to set up already exists, click its zoom arrow to open it. Otherwise, click New and give the category a name.
  4. Make the required selections in the window.
    Superannuation information window with lines pointing to each section


    Linked Expense Account is the account to which you charge employer expense superannuation payroll categories. The Default Employer Expense Account you specified when setting up payroll appears as the default.

    We recommend you create an expense account called Superannuation Expense and select it as the linked expense account.

    (Only applicable for Employer Additional, Productivity Superannuation, Redundancy Superannuation or Superannuation Guarantee category types.)


    Linked Payable Account is the liability account to which the superannuation amounts accrue. The Default Tax/Deductions Payable Account you specified when setting up payroll appears as the default.

    We recommend you create a liability account called Superannuation Liability and select it as the linked payable account.

    CFor Single Touch Payroll reporting, select the applicable ATO Reporting Category. This field determines what information is sent to the ATO. The selections you can make here depend on the Contribution Type (see D below). Learn more about assigning ATO reporting categories for Single Touch Payroll reporting.

    Select the appropriate Contribution Type from the list.

    • Employee Additional (deduction) - the contribution is deducted from the employee's net pay (see Additional superannuation contributions)
    • Employer Additional (expense) - the contribution is paid by the employer in addition to gross pay (see Additional superannuation contributions)
    • Productivity (expense) - the contribution is paid by the employer in addition to gross pay
    • Redundancy (expense) - the contribution is paid by the employer in addition to gross pay
    • Salary Sacrifice (deduction) - the contribution is deducted from the employee's gross pay (see Set up salary sacrifice superannuation)
    • Spouse (deduction) - the contribution is deducted from the employee's net pay
    • Superannuation Guarantee (expense) - the contribution is paid by the employer in addition to gross pay. By default, this category is set to calculate the mandatory 9.5% super guarantee contributions

    Once a superannuation category has been created (and saved), the Contribution Type cannot be changed.

    EIf you want the superannuation amount accrued to appear on employees’ pay advice, select the Print on Pay Advice option.

    Calculation Basis can be:

    • User-Entered Amount per Pay Period allows you to enter an amount at the time the pay is processed each pay period. Choose this option if the amount varies regularly or if you want to use the amount you have entered in an employee’s standard pay details.
    • Equals x Percent of allows you to enter a percentage of a payroll category (such as wage, deduction or superannuation) or a percentage of all wage categories (by choosing Gross Wages or Federal Wages). The superannuation will be calculated until the limit is reached.
    • Equals x Dollars per allows you to enter a specified amount per pay period, per hour, per month or per year until the specified limit is reached.

    In the Exclusions field type the amount by which the eligible wage is reduced before the superannuation is calculated. 

    For example, an employee with a gross wage of $1000 per month and an exclusion of $100 will have the superannuation calculated only on $900.


    Superannuation limits can be used to place a ceiling on the superannuation calculation. 

    For example, for an Employee Additional superannuation deduction of $30 per pay period and a limit of 2% of gross wages, a pay with gross wages of $1000 yields superannuation of only $20 (i.e. 2%). 

    Limit can be one of the following three choices:

    • No Limit signifies no limit to the superannuation calculated for this category.
    • Equals x Percent of results in the maximum superannuation calculated being a percentage of wage, deduction or superannuation payroll categories. For example, an Employer Additional superannuation contribution might be $20 per pay period, but this should not exceed a maximum of 20% of the employee’s base salary.
    • Equals x Dollars per results in the maximum superannuation calculated being a fixed amount per pay period, per hour, per month or per year. For example, a Salary Sacrifice superannuation might be 5% of the employee’s gross wages up to $1000 per year.

    If this superannuation calculation is only payable if wages exceed a specified amount per month (such as for superannuation guarantee contributions), enter this amount in the Threshold field. 

    For example, if the threshold is $450 per month, then superannuation is not payable until the employee’s gross wage exceeds $450 per month. 

    When determining whether the gross wages on a pay exceeds the threshold per month, other pays issued that month are included.

  5. Click Employee. The Linked Employees window appears.
  6. Select the employees whose pay will include this category, then click OK.
  7. Click Exempt. The Exemptions window appears for the super category you are creating.
  8. Select the wage categories that you don't want to accrue super, then click OK.
  9. Click OK to save the superannuatiuon category and return to the Payroll Category List window.
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What are Federal Wages?

Federal wages are the total amount of all wage categories assigned to an employee, except those wage categories which are exempt from PAYG Withholding.

If you're not sure whether to use Gross Wages or Federal Wages in your superannuation calculation, check with the ATO or your accounting advisor.

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titleTo delete a superannuation category

To delete a superannuation category

You can only delete a superannuation category if it hasn't been used in an employee's pay.

  1. Go to the Lists menu and choose Payroll Categories.
  2. Click the Superannuation tab.
  3. Click the zoom arrow to open the superannuation category to be deleted. The Superannuation Information window for that category appears.
  4. Go to the Edit menu and choose Delete Superannuation.

Delete super category

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titleTo prevent superannuation calculating on a wage category

To prevent superannuation calculating on a wage category

If a superannuation category is set up to calculate as a percentage (the Calculation Basis is set to Equals XX Percent of XX), it can be exempted from calculating on a wage category.

  1. Open the superannuation category (Payroll > Payroll Categories > Superannuation tab > open the applicable superannuation category).
  2. Click Exempt. If this button is not clickable, it means the super category isn't set up to calculate as a percentage so can't be exempted from a wage category.
  3. Select any wage categories to be excluded from super calculations.
  4. Click OK then click OK again to save the change.
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To set a default super fund

Go to the Setup menu > General Payroll Information > Default Superannuation Fund.

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