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Before filling out your inventory, it's important to know whether you'll be using a perpetual or periodical (also known as physical) inventory method. If you already know what you want to use, have a look below for more information on how AccountRight handles each method.

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Managing a full inventory can sometimes be tricky. The MYOB Inventory Training Course is an excellent resource to better understand AccountRight's inventory and its features - helping you stock smarter.

If you're not sure what method works best for your business, don't worry! It's a lot easier than it sounds. This information will help you choose the the best method for your business and give you greater control over managing your stock.

Generally speaking, perpetual inventories, in which the inventory system is automatically updated for each sale and purchase, is used in businesses with high-volume sales where physical inventory counts are time-consuming and costly.

Periodical inventory is best for suited for businesses that sell low-volume products that can easily be tracked by a physical count.

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AccountRight is setup to record inventory perpetually. For more information on recording a periodical inventory, see Periodical inventory. Before implementing periodical inventory, you should discuss its suitability with your accounting adviser.

No matter which method you choose, you'll easily be able to tailor your AccountRight inventory to make your business life easier.

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titlePerpetual inventory

Perpetual and Periodical are the two methods of managing your inventory.

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AccountRight is setup to record inventory perpetually. For more information on recording a periodical inventory, see Periodical inventory. Before implementing periodical inventory, you should discuss its suitability with your accounting adviser.

PerpetualContinually tracks monetary and physical inventory movement. In AccountRight, this system is used whenever an item is marked I Inventory This Item.
PeriodicalOnly updates the ending inventory balance when a physical count is done. In AccountRight, this system is used whenever an item is marked with I Buy This Item and I Sell This Item only.

For more information on when you'd use I Inventory This Item, I Buy This Item, or I Sell This Item, visit our page Creating items.

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titlePeriodical inventory

No matter which inventory method you choose, AccountRight calculates your inventory's value by using the Average costing method.

Unlike other valuing methods, such as First In First Out (FIFO), the average costing method values your inventory by calculating its weighted average value, using the formula: Average Cost=Total Value of the item÷Total Quantity of items. Let's take a look at an example of how this would work in everyday business.

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Let's say you purchase 10 wine glasses for $10.00 each. This will result in an average cost of $10.00 per item.

The following day, 10 more wine glasses were purchased, this time for $12.00 each. Your inventory looks like this:

  • Total Quantity of win glasses: 20
  • Total Value of wine glasses: $220.00
  • Average Cost: $11.00 ($220.00÷20)

It's important to note that this example is of the average cost method in a perpetual inventory system, which AccountRight is setup to run. In this system, the average cost is calculated before each transaction.

In a periodical inventory system, the average is recorded after a physical stocktake, the multiplied with the number of items sold and number of units in ending inventory to arrive at cost of goods sold (COGS) and value of ending inventory respectively.




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Error: Non-zero value

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For example, let's say you purchase 10 wine glasses for $10.00 each. This will result in an average cost of $10.00 per item.