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RA67/68 and / RA63/64

You can request a debt report for a specific company or for all companies you're the registered agent for.

To request a debt report for a specific company
  1. Select All clients and click Corporate admin on the top menu bar. The Client lodgements page appears.
  2. Click Agent lodgements on the secondary navigation menu. The Agent lodgements page appears.
  3. Click Prepare form at the top right of the page.
  4. Locate Debt report - specific company in the forms list and click Prepare form on the right.
  5. Type the company name you want to request a debt report for.
  6. Select I hereby declare that I am authorised to request this report.

  7. Click Create task
To request a debt report for all companies
  1. Select All clients and click Corporate admin on the top menu bar. The Client lodgements page appears.
  2. Click Agent lodgements on the secondary navigation menu. The Agent lodgements page appears.
  3. Click Prepare form at the top right of the page.
  4. Locate Debt report - all companies in the forms list and click Prepare form on the right.
  5. Type the name of the agent, or click on the drop-down list to choose the agent you want to request debt reports for.
  6. Select I hereby declare that I am authorised to request this report.

  7. Click Create task