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When entering a sale, here's how to add blank lines, transaction lines, headers and subtotals.


To insert a blank line

To insert a blank line

A blank line can be left blank, or you can enter text that will appear on the printed form, such as additional details about the line item.

  1. In the Sales window, click in the line below where the line is to appear.
  2. Go to the Edit menu and choose Insert Blank Line.

Use shortcut keys to easily insert a blank line. CTRL + SHIFT + L

To insert a transaction line

To insert a transaction line

Add a transaction line if you need to enter more services or items than are allowed for on the screen.

  1. In the Sales window, click in the line below where the transaction line is to appear.
  2. Go to the Edit menu and choose Insert Transaction Line.

Use shortcut keys to easily insert a transaction line. CTRL + SHIFT + I

To insert a header

To insert a header

You can group several line items by inserting a header. For example you may want to separate 'materials' and 'labour'.

  1. In the Sales window, click in the line below where the header is to appear.
  2. Go to the Edit menu and choose Insert Header. A blank line will appear in the scrolling list.
  3. Type the text for the header in the Description column.
  4. Press Tab to complete the header entry. The text appears in grey.

Use shortcut keys to easily insert a header. CTRL + SHIFT + R

To insert a subtotal

To insert a subtotal

  1. In the Sales window, click in the first line below the items to be subtotalled.

  2. Go to the Edit menu and choose Insert Subtotal. A line appears displaying the subtotal of the amounts that appear above the subtotal line and below the last subtotal, if there is one.


Use shortcut keys to easily insert a subtotal. CTRL + SHIFT + S

To delete a blank line, transaction line, header or subtotal

To delete a blank line, transaction line, header or subtotal

  1. In the Sales window, click anywhere in the blank line, transaction line, header or subtotal you want to delete.

  2. Go to the Edit menu and choose Delete Line.

Use shortcut keys to easily delete a line. CTRL + SHIFT + D

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