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Not available in AccountRight Basics

If you've recorded a purchase, you can pay the supplier in the Pay Bills window. In this window you can record the payments to one or more of your outstanding bills.

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Just want to record an expense? The Pay Bills feature is used to record payments against bills you've made on account or where you want to track the due date (such as a stock purchase). If you don't need to record the bill details or track due dates (such phone or petrol expenses), just pay the bill by credit card, BPAY, direct debit, etc, and record the transaction in AccountRight when it appears on your bank feed. You can make this easier by setting up a rule rules to automatically record the these transactions.

You can also make payments to suppliers in the Bank Register window. Paying bills through the Bank Register window can save you time if you have several purchases to pay and do not need to record detailed information (such as discounts and finance charges) for each payment. When you use the Bank Register window to make a supplier payment, the entire payment is automatically allocated to the supplier’s oldest purchases first. See Entering transactions in the Bank Register window.

You can also pay several outstanding bills at once in the Accounts Payable view of the To Do List window.

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Electronic Payments setup

If you pay your suppliers electronically—that is, by sending an electronic payment file to your bank for processing—you need to complete the electronic payment setup tasks. For more information, see Set up banking: Electronic payments.

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titleTo pay bills
  1. Anchor
    Go to the Purchases command centre and click Pay Bills. The Pay Bills window appears.
  2. Select how the payment is to be made.
    • If you're paying the supplier electronically—that is, if you will be generating an electronic payment file for this payment—select the Group with Electronic Payments option.
    • If you're paying the supplier by some other means—such as by cash, cheque, credit card or internet banking, select the Pay from Account option and enter an account in the adjacent field.
  3. In the Supplier field, enter the supplier’s name.

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    If you have an outstanding debit with this supplier, a message may appear. You will have the opportunity to settle the debit now, or at a later date. (See Settling supplier debits).

  4. In the Amount field, type the total amount paid.

  5. Change the memo and payment date if necessary.

  6. In the scrolling list in the bottom half of the window, indicate which purchases are covered by the payment by entering amounts in the Amount Applied column.

    APay AllIf you're settling your account in full, click Pay All. The total payment amount appears in the Amount field and the individual payment amounts are applied to each open purchase.
    BDiscountIf you're taking an early-payment discount for a purchase, assign the discount to the appropriate purchase in this column. Note that you cannot assign a discount to a purchase that you are not settling in full. If this is the case and you want to record a discount that the supplier has given you, create a supplier debit. See Settling supplier debits.
    CAmount AppliedEnter how much of the payment you want to apply to each purchase in this column.
    DFinance ChargeIf part of the payment was used to pay finance charges, type the finance charge amount here.
    EOut of BalanceThe Out of Balance amount must be zero before you can record the transaction. This field will show an out of balance amount if there is any variance between values in the Total Paid and Amount fields. If you have out of balance amounts, correct the amounts in the Amount Applied and Finance Charge fields.
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    Want to see your suppliers’ invoice numbers in the Pay Bills window instead of your purchase numbers? Go to the Preferences window, click the Purchases tab and select the Show Supplier Invoice Number in Supplier Payments option.

    If you've overpaid a supplier, you should still enter the amount paid. The full payment should be entered in the Amount Paid field and in the Amount Applied column in the scrolling list. When you record the payment, a debit note for the overpaid amount is created automatically. This can either be settled as a refund or applied to a future purchase. For more information, see Settling supplier debits.

  7. If you want to print or email a remittance advice later, select an option from the Remittance Advice Delivery Status list.

  8. If you're recording a cheque payment and the cheque has already been written, or if you are recording a transaction that doesn’t require a printed cheque (such as a petty-cash payment or internet payment), select the Cheque Already Printed option.

  9. If you want to print a cheque or remittance advice now, click Print and select the form type you want to print, or select to preview the form before printing it. Note that the payment is recorded before it is printed or previewed.

  10. Click Record.
    If you've recorded a bill payment that you want to pay electronically, you can prepare the electronic payment file for your bank to process. See Electronic payments.

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titleTo pay several bills at once

You can pay several outstanding bills at once in the To Do List window. The linked account for paying bills will be used for all supplier payments made from this window.

  1. Click To Do List in any command centre. The To Do List window appears.

  2. Click the Accounts Payable tab. A list of all unpaid purchases appears.
    If you want to view details about a specific bill, click the zoom arrow ( ) next to the bill.

  3. Click in the select column ( ) next to each bill you want to pay.

  4. Click Pay Bills.

  5. In the window that appears, enter a date for the selected transactions. This is the date that the transactions will be recorded in your accounts.

  6. Click OK and then click Close.

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titleRelated topics

Reviewing your purchases information

Adding finance charges paid to suppliers

Changing or deleting a transaction