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We've made it easy to view an asset register in the browser.

Click Assets to access the asset register online. It's where you keep track of your client's fixed assets.

You can use the asset register on its own or integrate it with the compliance workflow. Journals from the asset register post to the financial period, which are then posted to your configured general ledger.

When you open an asset register in your browser for the first time, we'll guide you through the features with some walk-through windows. Click through the windows to learn about the new asset register.

How does it work?

Each client has one active asset register, but multiple open asset years. This means that when you've added an asset into the register, it appears in all later years until it's disposed of. This is great for future tax planning as you can account for an asset two years in advance.

You can use assets for clients with an MYOB Ledger, or an Essentials or AccountRight online file.

Let's get started